LEADING Job for In-House Agencies

Insourcing and in-house solutions continue to gain ground in international marketing. According to a study by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the number of companies with their own in-house agency has risen from 48% to 78% in the USA alone over the last 10 years.

In-house advertising agencies score points with cost efficiency, responsiveness and the intrinsically good understanding of their own brands. Internal teams are faced with major challenges: How best to deal with the inevitable ups and downs in work volume? Sometimes the available personnel resources are working over the limit, then again there is time to twiddle their thumbs. And traditional tools that facilitate project management and resource planning fail from the outset due to strict in-house IT security and data protection guidelines.

How nice when you can meet the expected cost and time savings by using LEADING Job. And all this with the blessing of your IT department.



Your Advantages at a Glance

  • Working like a pro: LEADING Job meets all the basic requirements for efficient business software, from offers and reporting, budgets and controlling to time recording and finance. In addition, document management and chat communication within the project team are standard features.
  • Toplevel IT Security: We know the high standards that parent companies set for the software they use and can handle them. LEADING Job meets all security requirements of your internal IT department.
  • Unique employee and resource planning: LEADING Job takes into account the workload and availability of employees who are eligible for a task. To land a project on time, all you have to do is set a deadline and LEADING Job will find the best way to get there for you.
  • Smooth data exchange, both internally with your HR department and your accounting department, and externally with media agencies or freelancers.
  • Test without risk: 3 months without commitment

The Agency Software for Every Challenge

  • The 5 Biggest Challenges of In-House Agencies

    Having your own in-house advertising studio has many advantages, but there are also a number of challenges that the company's own creative department has to face.

    With LEADING Job you have a reliable partner at your side who will help you to master every challenge.


    Read more
  • Safe Enough for the Strictest IT Security Check

    Large companies that afford their own in-house agency usually have a correspondingly professional IT infrastructure. Only software tools that meet the strict security guidelines may be used. Many conventional agency software providers cannot meet these IT requirements. LEADING job however already.

    Read more
  • Cloud vs. On Premise: The Right Choice for In-House Agencies

    Nowadays almost every agency software runs in the cloud. The advantages of location-independent, flexible working, with software that is always up-to-date, are obvious. And yet there are situations in which there is no way around an on-premise installation.

    Does this sound familiar to you as an in-house agency?


    Read more

Our 5-Step Timetable - Ready to Go in 2 Months:

  • Pflichtenheft abschicken

    Where do you want to go?

    Determine goals & requirements profile

    1 Week

  • Präsentationstermin / Pitch bei Ihnen vor Ort

    All aboard!

    Presentation of the proposed solution

    2 Weeks

  • Angebotslegung & Auftrag

    Let's get going

    Receive & accept our offer

    3 Weeks

  • Customization

    Full steam ahead!

    Introductional support & customization

    4 Weeks

  • On time at your destination

    Agency and software are ready to go

    2 Months

Time for Change

What good is loyalty, if it doesn't give you an advantage? If your existing software solutions do not (any longer) meet your challenges, a change to LEADING Job is now twice as worthwhile!

+ Sign for 1 year: Get a Loyalty Bonus of -10%

+ Sign for 3 years: Get a Loyalty Bonus of -25%

+ Dump your old Software: Get an Illoyalty Bonus* of -50%

*When upgrading from your old software to LEADING Job, we credit half the invoice amount on presentation of the last annual account.

Why Customers Love LEADING Job

  • TBWA and Qualiant are partners for more than 17 years now. Their agency software LEADING Job, as well as their always available team are unmatched in terms of quality and professionalism. But their most important „super power" is that they can easily adjust their software to our specific needs, which enables us to follow precisely all our business processes and save time and money."

    Boris Rogan, Managing Director at Luna/TBWA Zagreb

  • The project management and time recording features enable us to keep a sane head in the ever competitive environment of advertising agencies. We are using the software now for over 12 years and it accompanied us through the merger with VMLY&R. It proved to be always reliable."

    Florina Voevod, Finance Director at VMLY&R COMMERCE Romania

  • Competent support. Smooth remote working. And the key performance indicators always under control. That's how I would describe the new online app from Leading Job. Our employees can access it remotely from anywhere, and the workflow remains stable. What I particularly love as a manager: the control options for our KPIs."


    Irene Sagmeister, CEO & owner of WELOVE\TBWA Austria

  • More than a hundred employees work for us under one roof. As a network agency, we are subject to strict guidelines regarding approval processes, audits and compliance. When we moved into the WPP Campus, we introduced LEADING Job across all agencies. This enabled us to fulfil all the requirements of a network agency in terms of workflow and audit processes. What do I particularly appreciate as CFO? The fact that we can use it to track our expenses properly. And how user-friendly the mass approval process is."


    Lukáš Vaculík, CFO of Ogilvy Czech

  • In a phase of strong growth, we faced many challenges that could no longer be met with FileMaker tools we had developed ourselves. After carefully exploring solutions and vendors, we found the right answers with LEADING Job to further professionalize the processes in our organization."

    Susanne Hoffmann, CEO of Palmer Hargreaves Germany

LEADING Job in Action

  • Analyze Employee Workload and Project Allocation

    For agencies, the most expensive resource is usually working time. Personnel costs often account for between half and three quarters of running costs. Economic success strongly depends on the intelligence of the process planning. You set the deadline and the agency software LEADING Job ensures that all existing Human Resources are used daily and optimally to lead all projects to success.

  • Easily Modify Projects

    The agency software LEADING Job by Qualiant helps all project managers: With the efficient resource management you react flexible and agile to unforeseen changes. And bring each of your projects to a targeted point landing.

  • Recording Timesheet Data via Stopwatch

    If working time is charged for the wrong projects or even forgotten, the agencies lose revenue or capacity. With stopwatch time recording in LEADING Job, no valuable hour is lost.