The 5 Biggest Challenges of In-House Agencies
Having your own in-house advertising studio has many advantages, but there are also a number of challenges that the company's own creative department has to face.
With LEADING Job you have a reliable partner at your side who will help you to master every challenge.

The biggest challenges of an in-house agency revolve around the optimal use of time and personnel resources. With the right agency software such as LEADING Job, these challenges can be mastered more easily.
1. Within the company the perception prevails that in-house agencies work for free
If there is no exchange of money for services, it is easy for other departments to underestimate the time and personnel resources available in-house. This can lead to the creative department being swamped with requests that cannot be met with the available resources. The use of a professional project management and resource planning tool such as LEADING Job is essential for the respect and understanding of the in-house agency's work within the company.
2. Short reaction times and fast implementation of campaigns can quickly lead to overload.
While the rapid implementation from idea to finished campaign is an advantage for the company as a whole, it can also be a real challenge for those working in an in-house agency. Last minute changes? Can be done in-house, quickly and easily. The problem is that the in-house agency, like any other advertising agency, is already juggling multiple projects and deadlines. Here, a project management software like LEADING Job can be used to to make timely changes to avoid overloading.
3. Deadlines must be kept even with parallel running projects.
An example of an automobile manufacturer: The in-house agency not only looks after all car brands of the company, but also manages each individual national campaign. This results in a flood of individual projects and deadlines. To achieve this, state of the art multi-project management is essential. LEADING Job is the advocate of your projects. You set the deadline and the agency software ensures that all available personnel resources are used optimally and on a daily basis to make all projects a success.
4. Spreadsheet programs such as Excel quickly reach their limits when managing projects and resources
It is often the smaller internal advertising departments that are under pressure to complete a growing number of projects with the same amount of resources and the same budget. Unfortunately, project management with spreadsheets does not provide the flexibility and transparency to manage multiple projects. As a result, managers are left in the dark about which projects are progressing how well, and which resources are available or working to capacity. As a result, far too much effort goes into managing the project and gathering information. Save yourself time and nerves by using a professional agency software like LEADING Job.
5. High workloads and poor planning lead to stressed in-house teams
The main reason for the trend to bring creative teams back into the company is cost reduction. An effectively working in-house advertising department can save the company a lot of money. But if the challenges of point 1 to 4 are not responded to appropriately, the pressure on the creative team increases, deadlines cannot be met and the enjoyment of work is lost. Sick leave, staff fluctuation and uninspired creative people are the result.
If you would like to find out more about how and whether the use of LEADING Job pays off in your in-house agency, please ask for a personal offer.