From Chaos to Control: Agency Software and its Benefits for Effective Project Management

In the fast-paced agency world, it can be easy for projects to get out of hand and budgets to spiral out of control. But with the right agency software, you can turn chaos into organised structures and make your project management more effective.

Discover the practical benefits of agency software and how it can help you organise your projects better, use resources more efficiently and stay in control of your workflows.


What Are the Advantages of Agency Software for Project Management?

Are you dissatisfied with your current agency software? Or are you not yet using a specialised solution, but are looking for a better alternative to Excel sheets and a patchwork of different project management apps? Then you've come to the right place! We'll show you where the strengths of agency software lie and the advantages of using specialised agency software as opposed to conventional PM tools.

Challenges in Project Management

ChallengesWithout agency softwareWith agency software
Project changes Unexpected changes require manual adjustments to the project plan and intensive communication with the team. Changes can be quickly updated in the system and automatic notifications inform the team.
Resource planning Difficulties in the manual allocation of personnel and resources to different projects. Automated resource planning enables efficient allocation based on availability and capacity.
File management Difficulties in organising and finding files in an unstructured system. Central database with categorisation and search functions makes it possible to find the required files quickly.
Communication bottlenecks A lack of transparency leads to misunderstandings and delays in project completion. Centralised communication platform enables clear and transparent communication between team members.
Budget monitoring and tracking Manual tracking of budget expenditure leads to inconsistencies and potential overspending. Automated budget tracking and monitoring enables real-time updates and early warnings in the event of budget overruns.

Before and After Effect in Project Management

Agency software helps you to optimise your workflows and get the best out of your team. A centralised platform bundles information and communication, which is particularly beneficial in fast-moving projects. Automating processes reduces errors and saves time, while real-time monitoring and reporting allow for better control.

Where Can Agency Software Perform Better Than Conventional Project Management tools?

Why shouldn't advertising agencies simply rely on conventional PM tools? ERP software that specifically addresses the needs and workflows of agencies offers a number of advantages:

  • Industry-specific functions: For a good agency software, terms such as retainer invoicing, delcredere, multi-level approval processes, strict IT security requirements of international agency networks, time tracking & resource planning for creatives are not foreign words, but an integral part of the functional scope.
  • Centralised platform: While traditional project management tools often consist of a multitude of separate applications, agency software offers a centralised platform where all project information, communications and files are stored in one place.
  • Integrations: Agency software often offers integrations with other tools and systems that agencies commonly use, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Jira, Datev, Teams, Google Workspace, Dropbox, SharePoint, various email programmes and many more. This enables seamless collaboration between different applications and optimises the flow of data.
  • Automation of processes: Agency software automates recurring tasks and processes, which saves time and reduces the susceptibility to errors. Routine tasks such as time tracking, creating invoices and generating reports can be automated to minimise the workload.
  • Real-time monitoring and reporting: Agency software enables real-time monitoring of project progress and detailed reporting on key metrics such as budget consumption, resource utilisation and project status. This allows problems to be recognised at an early stage and responded to accordingly.

Where Are the Limits of Agency Software?

All that sounds great. Where can I sign? Wait, first you should also read the disclaimer.
The implementation of new agency software requires thorough planning as well as staff training. This can be time-consuming and costly, especially if existing workflows need to be changed.
What else? Depending on the provider, it is possible that not all requirements can be covered by the functions that are available "off the shelf". This may result in additional costs for programming the personalised additional functions. And even the best agency software cannot replace human factors such as communication, team dynamics and creativity.
Nevertheless, investing in high-quality software can offer long-term efficiency gains, improved resource planning and informed decision-making.

What Costs Should You Expect?

The cost of agency software can vary depending on the provider, range of functions and terms of use. There are both paid and free options, with paid solutions often offering additional features and more comprehensive support. It is important to consider the cost in relation to the expected benefits and savings.

LEADING Job licence fees per employee per month are a small fraction of what an agency would normally charge clients per hour.


agency software Project management

Tips for the Successful Rollout of Agency Software in Project Management

Are you still deciding whether and how best to tackle the agency software implementation project? If you follow these nine steps, nothing will stand in the way of a smooth and successful introduction of agency software:

  1. Requirements analysis: the first step is to analyse what your agency software needs are. Examine the current challenges in your agency management and identify the areas in which a software solution could bring improvements.
  2. Objectives: After analysing your requirements, set clear objectives that you would like to achieve with the introduction of agency software. This may include improving efficiency, increasing productivity or optimising certain processes.
  3. Budgeting: Create a budget for the introduction of the agency software, which includes the costs of purchasing the software, implementation, training and ongoing maintenance.
  4. Market research: Then conduct a thorough market research to compare the available agency software solutions. You check the features, integration options, ease of use, customer support and costs of different providers. You can find out which one best meets your needs in our agency software comparison.
  5. Guided demo: A guided demo provides a better insight into what agency software can do. In contrast to a pure online demo, you have the opportunity for direct interaction, open questions can be clarified immediately and agencies often benefit from a transfer of knowledge from the software experts.
  6. Selecting the right provider: Based on your requirements and market research, you now select the provider whose agency software best suits your agency's needs.
  7. Pilot phase: Before full implementation, you can test the agency software with a small team or project to ensure that it meets the requirements and delivers the desired results.
  8. Roll-out: After a successful pilot phase, the agency software is rolled out across the organisation. Make sure that all employees are trained and can use the software effectively. It is also important that you have a dedicated client contact at the software vendor throughout the implementation process who is familiar with your way of working.
  9. Monitor and adjust: After implementation, continually monitor the service of the agency software and adjust as necessary to ensure it continues to meet the agency's needs.

LEADING Job for Effective Project Management

Warum sollten Sie sich nun für LEADING Job entscheiden? Wenn Sie den vollständigen Projektlebenszyklus von LEADING Job is the right choice if you want to have everything under control from start to finish in one central l

cation - from quotation preparation to resource planning and invoicing.

  • You get sophisticated standard software with a range of features normally only found in customised software.
  • Friendly and competent personal client contacts are available at no additional cost.
  • Qualiant recognises the needs and challenges of owners, managing directors and CFOs in the creative sector and, with around 30 years of experience in the industry, offers best-practice solutions.

The most important features of LEADING Job for project management

LEADING Job offers a range of powerful features for comprehensive project management and monitoring:

  • Track project goals and milestones: The dashboard provides a clear view of all relevant project information, including status, milestones, tasks and deadlines. Gantt charts and Kanban boards make it easier to monitor project progress.
  • Effective project communication and document management: An integrated communication module enables centralised communication and the exchange of information between all project participants. Comments and notes can be left directly in the project, and a close link to document management facilitates the sharing of files and documents.
  • Budget control: LEADING Job helps to keep an eye on the costs for each phase and each task and warns if the budget is exceeded. A clear presentation of costs per resource makes it possible to optimise expenditure and stay within budget.
  • Optimal resource utilisation: The dashboard and various widgets make it possible to monitor employee utilisation and project progress and make adjustments if necessary. A team overview facilitates the planning and distribution of resources.
  • Time sheets: LEADING Job offers various time tracking options, including quick 3-click time tracking, a stopwatch and weekly time tracking. A work schedule enables individualised time planning for employees and projects.

Want to know in detail what LEADING Job can do? Here we have prepared a comprehensive list of functions for you so that you can go through your specifications straight away:




   Address management
   Supplier inquiries
   Cost estimates
   Time tracking (3 clicks, continuous, weekly)
   AI-supported receipt capture for incoming invoices (third-party costs, travel expenses, etc.)
   Client invoices including dunning and management of open items.
   Budget tracking and cost control
   Reporting (standardized & customized)
   Agency design for all outgoing documents
   Appointment management / Calendar
   Team communication
   Document management
   Email integration
   Project management with gantt chart and gependencies
   Resource planning (Personnel)
   Agile task management (Task, kanban board)
   Access rights / Role permissions
   GDPR compliant
   Server location Germany
   Home office ready
   Mobile usage (App/Online Access)
   ZUGFeRD ready
   Custom data fields
   Interface architecture
project management

Increase the Efficiency of Your Project Management with LEADING Job

Ready to take your agency to the next level? With LEADING Job, you get a comprehensive project management solution that helps you plan projects efficiently, make the best use of resources and stay on top of budgets.

Take advantage of LEADING Job today and schedule a demo to see how our software can improve the way you do business. Let's work together to increase your agency's success!