Agency Software for the Creative Industry

Are you looking for innovative and user-friendly software for your advertising agency?

From a provider with 30 years of industry experience?

You want to work cloud-based, be able to map all agency processes and increase your company performance at the same time?

Then you have come to the right place!

  • Project Management and Resource Planning Software with Industry Expertise
  • Agency solutions with the degree of coverage of individual software and the scalability of Big Player products
  • A software partner trusted by all global agency networks

From Boutique to Enterprise: Agency Software Networks Rely On

Whether in project management, resource planning, time recording, project accounting, project controlling, media planning or media buying, every international agency network successfully uses agency software from Qualiant in one of these areas.

From WPP and TBWA to Havas and Publicis to Omnicom and Dentsu Aegis, many billions of Euros per year are implemented smoothly and reliably by our customers thanks to our business software.

Long-term Customer Relationships

Qualiant has been delivering ERP and media planning software for the creative industry for 30 years. And that's how long our oldest customer relationships have lasted. There's nothing in the industry we don't know. We have grown with our customers, have changed, improved and specialized together with them.

All agency networks rely on software solutions from Qualiant. Our multilingual team meets every challenge in about 15 countries.


Tailor-made Software Solutions for the Industry's Top Players

If your company is listed in the rankings of the best, largest, most creative advertising, digital, marketing, event and PR agencies - or if you are on your way there with all your might - Qualiant is the ideal software partner for you.

With LEADING Job...

...keep track of resources and project progress in your agency in real time. Learn more about LEADING Job

With LEADING Media... have the complex process of media buying under control. Learn more about LEADING Media

With LEADING Media proDigi... cover the entire workflow of digital media planning. Learn more about LEADING Media proDigi

With LEADING Mediabase... the most comprehensive tariff database for Austrian and Swiss media. Search Leading LEADING Mediabase


The Right Solution for Project Management, Resource Planning, Time Recording, Project Accounting, Project Controlling, Media Planning or Media Buying

  • TBWA and Qualiant are partners for more than 17 years now. Their agency software LEADING Job, as well as their always available team are unmatched in terms of quality and professionalism. But their most important „super power" is that they can easily adjust their software to our specific needs, which enables us to follow precisely all our business processes and save time and money."

    Boris Rogan, Managing Director at Luna/TBWA Zagreb

  • The project management and time recording features enable us to keep a sane head in the ever competitive environment of advertising agencies. We are using the software now for over 12 years and it accompanied us through the merger with VMLY&R. It proved to be always reliable."

    Florina Voevod, Finance Director at VMLY&R COMMERCE Romania

  • Competent support. Smooth remote working. And the key performance indicators always under control. That's how I would describe the new online app from Leading Job. Our employees can access it remotely from anywhere, and the workflow remains stable. What I particularly love as a manager: the control options for our KPIs."


    Irene Sagmeister, CEO & owner of WELOVE\TBWA Austria

  • More than a hundred employees work for us under one roof. As a network agency, we are subject to strict guidelines regarding approval processes, audits and compliance. When we moved into the WPP Campus, we introduced LEADING Job across all agencies. This enabled us to fulfil all the requirements of a network agency in terms of workflow and audit processes. What do I particularly appreciate as CFO? The fact that we can use it to track our expenses properly. And how user-friendly the mass approval process is."


    Lukáš Vaculík, CFO of Ogilvy Czech

  • Having good ideas is one thing. Getting them to the ground as efficiently as possible is the other. With proDigi as a supplement to our Leading Media stack, which we have been using for many years, we save time and minimize sources of error, from the digital media plan to success monitoring. The professional, very committed support during setup, training and ongoing adaptation of the tool to our wishes is also top."

    Roman Breithofer, Head of Digital Media, Media1

  • The implementation of proDigi for planning digital campaigns was an important step for us. The tool speeds up the process immensely and saves a lot of manual work and reconciliation. Having all master data, spendings, forecasts, etc. centrally in one system is an absolute added value and helps immensely with large reports that need to be done quickly."


    Stefanie Schreiner, Head of Digital Planning, Mediabrands Austria

  • In a phase of strong growth, we faced many challenges that could no longer be met with FileMaker tools we had developed ourselves. After carefully exploring solutions and vendors, we found the right answers with LEADING Job to further professionalize the processes in our organization."

    Susanne Hoffmann, CEO of Palmer Hargreaves Germany