LEADING Job Release Note 21.2

The second Release Note this year once again improves the stability by fixing 24 minor bugs. And we added eight new features in February.

In Periscope, the web application of LEADING Job, each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.



1. Delayed search after input

Does this sound familiar: The system is already searching for matching entries, even before you have been able to complete your input?

We want to be fast, but not too fast. That's when debouncing, as IT experts call a delay after input, comes in handy. Therefore we've integrated a delay of 2 seconds to display the search results after entering a search term.


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2. System menu modernized

The existing link list for administration and system administrators under

"Administration -> System"

has been visually revised and does now appear with its own popup window:

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3. Checkboxes now with direct delete function

When having entered an item wrongly you had to go to the dropdown menu every time to delete it. Not anymore!

From now on there is a direct delete function in the form of an x-button for all dropdown selection fields:

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4. Electronic invoice export "OSA" (Hungary) updated to version 3.0

The standard for electronic invoice export "OSA", which is common in Hungary, has been updated to version 3.0, which will be required from March 2021.

After an update to (at least) LEADING Job version 21.2.0, version 3.0 applies to the export under this standard.

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5. Moving an external service from job to job

From time to time, an external service in a supplier invoice is assigned to the wrong job. Wouldn't you like to be able to move the external service, while the inovoice is still in approval phase?

Until now, it was only possible to make such a move from one job to another after an incoming invoice had been finally approved.

From now on, the change can be made during the entire process of approval, i.e. from the assignment of a job position to a supplier invoice, up to the approval (and, of course, afterwards as before).

Important note:
If the external service is already in a client invoice, this move is of course no longer possible, regardless of the status of the incoming invoice.

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Supplier invoice

6. "Check supplier invoice" now integrated into the right pane

The additional window "Check supplier invoice", which is especially important for the approval process of incoming invoices, has been integrated into the right pane (next to the list of supplier invoices):

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7. New grouping for the reports

The report selection page has been restructured and the reports have now been grouped as follows:

  • Job/Cost Estimate
  • Supplier Invoice
  • Client Invoice
  • Timesheet
  • Controlling
  • Master Data
  • System

These sections could be shown and hidden by flagging the related checkbox.

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8. Supplier invoice journal now available in Periscope

You have been missing an overview of supplier invoices that you can also export to Excel?

We now offer this with the supplier invoice journal in the "Reports" section:

By setting some filter criteria, we can now display a list of supplier invoices according to the search criteria at any time, which will also show the status history, i.e. who set which status and when:

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Contact LEADING Job Support

Do you have questions about the current Release Note? You have discovered a problem with the current version? Talk to us! Here is your direct line to LEADING Job Support:

+43 1 503 6644



This document is a non-binding customer information. There can be no warranties or commitments derived from this Release Note.
The contained topics represent the status quo of Qualiant Software at the date of publication. Modifications and additions at a later date are possible.
The content of this release note may not be understood as a part of the licensing agreement. Qualiant Software assumes no liability for the correctness and completeness of this release note.

The agency software LEADING Job/Periscope integrates project management and resource planning of advertising agencies. Integrated with time recording, holiday planning and employee workload, from cost estimates and invoicing to accounting, controlling and reporting. Operates in the cloud or on-premise. Your agency under control with software from Qualiant.