Stay Tuned: Quotations for Professionals
If you organise events on the scale of the Vienna Opera Ball or the Munich Oktober Fest, you require a wide range of different options when it comes to creating an appropriate quotation.
With LEADING Job no wrong tune will slip into your cost estimate.

- The challenge: Every event is intended to be unique, something very memorable. It is only logical that the quotation for each project needs to reflect this individuality. Many conventional agency software tools fail on this complexity.
- The solution: With LEADING Job you can create complete quotations and cost estimates for even the largest and most complicated projects. Thanks to the enormous range of predefined functions, you can easily handle any relevant event item.
Write an quotation? Nothing easier than that! Take a suitable template, fill in the details, and the one-pager is ready with four prices and a total sum. Um, yes, this is almost never the case with live marketing agencies. Every event, whether presentation of the newest smartphones or a worldwide dealer event for a car brand, should impress with its uniqueness. And just as unique is the quotation that the agency submits to the customer as the basis for the placing of the order.
With LEADING Job, event agencies can map all the items they need when preparing their quotations. Subtotals, calculations, discounts, quantities, optional items, structured chapters, the possibilities for quotations are just as variable as your projects themselves.
The customer does not want a second stage? But would like catering for 700 instead of 500 people? And the seating has to be increased accordingly? The changes are immediately incorporated into the system and a new quotation with the changes is automatically calculated. Does it suit now? Great, the customer just signs and LEADING Job transforms the offer directly into a project. You can now assign the corresponding tasks for every item, define goals, log your working hours and invoice directly. Working in a live marketing agency can be that nice!