LEADING Job Release Note 22.3
The third release note this year again brings more stability with the elimination of 17 minor bugs. In addition, there are four new functions in the modules master data, client invoice drafts and reports.
In Periscope, the web application of LEADING Job, each update only takes place after prior consultation with the customer. You can test the new features first in your test database.

1. Saving and loading different table layouts
You need different views of the table layout in one or more of the modules in Periscope?
Then you'll be happy to hear that this feature is now available.
A new section with three choices has been added behind the function button in their lists at the top right:
- Load Layout
- Save Layout
- Delete layout
In addition to the "standard layout" that we have automatically integrated, you can now save several layouts in each module that differ in the composition of the columns, depending on your needs:
The layouts you have saved can now be retrieved from their list at any time after clicking "Load Layout":
Specially defined column widths per layout are automatically saved with their layout.
Set column filters are kept even when loading another layout, and have to be adjusted manually if necessary.
Master data
2. Test e-mail can be sent to users
When setting up a new user entry in the master data, it would be helpful to be able to test the email connection right away?
From now on, you can use the newly integrated button for this purpose directly at the entry of the employee in Periscope (under "Notifications"):
Client invoice draft
Split of the privilege to create client invoice drafts
Do you want your employees to be able to create client invoice drafts using only one method?
In version 22.3.0, the privilege to create client invoice drafts has been split into two privileges.
If you want your employees to be able to create client invoice drafts only from the "Job" module, then in the future the privilege
[Client invoice draft]-> Create draft from job module
will be required.
If you want that only from the module "Client invoice draft" such draft can be created (or this is needed especially for the finance department in addition), then you need the right
[Client invoice draft]-> Create draft from draft module
Important note:
After updating to version 22.3.0 (or higher), all function groups and employees who previously had the privilege to create client invoice drafts assigned will automatically be assigned both privileges.
4. Change of the assignment for the job survey
In the "Reports" section, the assignment of the job survey has been changed in that the corresponding report has been moved from the "Job/Cost estimate" area to the "Controlling" area:
Contact LEADING Job Support
Do you have questions about the current Release Note? You have discovered a problem with the current version? Talk to us! Here is your direct line to LEADING Job Support:t:
+43 1 503 6644
This document is a non-binding customer information. There can be no warranties or commitments derived from this Release Note.
The contained topics represent the status quo of Qualiant Software at the date of publication. Modifications and additions at a later date are possible.
The content of this release note may not be understood as a part of the licensing agreement. Qualiant Software assumes no liability for the correctness and completeness of this release note.
The agency software LEADING Job/Periscope integrates project management and resource planning of advertising agencies. Integrated with time recording, holiday planning and employee workload, from cost estimates and invoicing to accounting, controlling and reporting. Operates in the cloud or on-premise. Your agency under control with software from Qualiant.